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The Challenges of EV Battery Storage for Auto OEMs

The Electric Vehicle sector is moving fast. Demand has never been greater and is set to increase by 35% in 2023, according to the International Energy Agency. Good news for Auto OEMs but with increased demand comes greater pressure on production facilities and component stock.

Like other sectors, EV OEMs witnessed unprecedented strains on supply chains during the pandemic and increased geo-political tensions could further jeopardise production. One area where this has been felt most acutely is in EV battery storage availability.

To mitigate against these challenges manufacturers need to consolidate their EV battery stocks by creating ‘buffers’ that will help them ride-out the periods where supplies are interrupted, keeping the wheels of production rolling. Here’s where the challenge lies.

EV battery storage, in volume, is not for the faint-hearted. If not correctly managed Li-ion batteries can present a risk to people’s safety, the production facilities that they operate and other stock. The instances of EVs catching fire, for whatever reason, are well documented and contemplating such an event in a production or storage facility will have Health and Safety managers and insurers running for the nearest darkened room.

So there’s the problem. Here is the solution to EV battery storage.

At Battery Storage Box we understand the need for OEMs to de-risk their operations and find an alternative for their EV battery storage. A facility where the ambient environment is controlled, where the temperature of every item is monitored 24/7, where EV battery storage is discreet, in a secure warehouse and where they are fully insured, ready to be called-off for production or warranty repairs.

Facilities become safer places, underwriters’ risk is reduced, space is freed for other stock, warehousing partners are happier and supply chain managers can breath easier knowing that their EV battery storage concerns have disappeared.

That’s all we do! Dedicated EV battery storage. It’s simple, it’s tailored to your needs and nobody else is doing it. You make the cars, we’ll take care of the EV battery storage.

the Secure Solution

What sets us apart is our commitment to discretion and anonymity, guaranteeing the utmost confidentiality. Rest assured; we take lithium battery storage seriously. We carry our own insurance cover, providing added peace of mind while your batteries are in our care.

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Learn how our tailored solution ensures the utmost protection for your valuable batteries. Together, let’s embrace a future of sustainable and safe battery storage practices.